

I've weirdly not had that great of a day. Last night I was just having really bad chest pains. Pretty sure I was near a panic attack. I have only had one ever, but I can sorta sense now when they could be coming. I sort of laughed at myself during the pain because I feel like my body is just shoving down some issue into a knot in my chest. Ugh. I've been super stressed lately my brain has been on adrenaline for weeks now it seems.

Then this morning my neighbor randomly knocked on my door because the heating guy needed to check a thermostat or something. It annoyed me, I am a private person and I was not really ready for a guest. Mannnnn it just motivates me more to get my own place soon, like my own own place.

Tomorrow morning my sister is coming over to pick me up so I can get more of my stuff from her house. I feel anxious about seeing her and my family. I have always had weird family challenges at times through the years and I have not seen her or anyone really since like the summer.

It's the holiday season in general and well, it's always stressful as much as it is nice.


But otherwise I managed to make a post I'm pretty proud of for the most part. I have legit plans to make more Titans content and I'm excited about it. My son is over and we finished up watching Santa Clause 3, finishing up the trilogy. Santa Clause was always one of my favorites growing up. I remember sticking the Santa Clause VHS tape into my VHS player often. My son seems to enjoy the movies as much as I did/do.


For now, the plan is to get some sleep and try to get a jump start on my day and be ready for my sis.

Life continues on...

Hive on folks.
