Who Will Face The Cat?



There was this big provision store in Heki city. The owner of store was facing some serious problems with rats. They eat and destroy things that were kept in the store. The rats ate the cartoon of indomie, the groundnut and biscuits that are kept inside the store.

The owner of the store losses some many things. He couldn't continue like this, so he ordered for a big cat to get rid of the rats. The store owner brought the cat to the store and live it in the the store to get rid of the crazy rats.

The cat was doing a great job by hunting down the rats and chasing them away. The cat chase the rats every day. The owner of store was happy seeing what the cat is doing to the rats. He knew it was a good idea bringing the cat into the store to save his provisions and food stuff.

The number of rats in the store began to reduce gradually.

One day the chief of rats called for a meeting among the rats to discuss issues concerning the cat. The rats were concerned that their numbers were decreasing every day as the cat feed on them.

The rats were complaining to there chief, because they can't go around to look for food around the store again. The cat will hunt them down.

In the meeting, the rats came up with an idea on how to handle the cat. The chief of rat suggested a plan, that they should tie a rope to a bell and hang it around the cat's neck. With this, they can monitor the cat's movement and there problem solved.

Hearing this, all the rat were happy, the agreed to the plan. But there was a big question, who will hang the rope with bell around the cat's neck.

The rats were thinking who will sacrifice his life to hang the bell around the cat's neck. No one has the courage to go.
As they were thinking of who will hang the bell, suddenly, a ugly little rat raised his hand up and volunteered to carry out the plan.

The following day, the ugly little rat went on the mission to hang the bell around the cat's neck. The little rat went to the cat.

The cat saw the little rat and pounced on the poor little rat, the cat was about eating the little rat when the litte ugly rat asked the cat to listen to what he have to say before he killed him.
The cat agreed and decided to listen to what the little ugly rat have to say before killing him.

The little ugly rat started thanking the cat for his good work. The little rat brought out the rope with bell and gave it the cat as a gift. The little rat told the cat that if he wears this bell around his neck, he would been seen as a champion among other cats around the world. The little ugly rat tied the rope with bell around the cat's neck quietly.

The cat was so happy wearing the bell around his neck. The cat believed what the rat said to him. The cat released the little rat to free.

Few hours later, the cat was hungry and started looking for rats to eat. He searched every corner of the store.
All the rats hide from the cat, because whenever the cat moves, the rats will hear the bell and would vanish from that area quickly.

Always have the courage to face some difficulties in life.


This story has the same premise as a fable known as Belling the Cat. Although your story ends differently, the concept is essentially the same. Given that, this cannot be considered an original story, and, as you know, we only accept original stories in the Ink Well community.
