War... What is it Good For? Certainly not Bitcoin!

With less than two months into 2022, before the World can turn the corner on Covid and catch a breath, a new drama arises, the possibility of nuclear Armageddon!

Screenshot 2022-02-14 at 8.40.01 PM.png Above: all the major players of the Apocalypse 2022 - The Nuclear Warheads!!

Putin Threatens "There's a worse outcome!" If the Ukraine joins Nato!

Many experts, including Professor David Galbreath agree that this Nuclear threat is real. Biden tells Putin that an Ukraine invasion will bring consequences, swift decisive action, setting the stage for some explosive muscle flexing, to say the least.

If a War springs up, it’s possible that the world could be set back to the Stone Age, and even rendering Bitcoin useless for the first time in it's history. The ironic thing is all these troubles for Bitcoin eminate from Pution, the man who Backs Crypto Mining despite the Bank of Russia bashing BTC!
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How can decentralized BTC survive in a centralized world?

The world has become super centralized by nuclear arms, & according to this recent post by the nuclear arms watchdog website, armscontrol.org the world's Nuclear arsenal is now dominated by one Super Power, Russia. Because Putin has more nukes than anyone else, Russia has over 6257 nukes, and the US only has 5500, might may not make right in this case, the only solution will be diplomacy, or super deep covert ops. It’s a wonder how we made it so far, as the doomsday clock ticks closer to BTC Midnight!

Since the launch of Bitcoin, there hasn’t been a world war!

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It’s uncertain how Crypto assets will perform under wartime regimes without any precedent, but I could still guess that they would probably damp hard. The crypto market is still an infant, is very volatile, and will stay that way until these uncertainties become a reality. A Nuclear World War would be the biggest test for Bitcoin, a test none of us want to go through! If one had the luxury to buy Bitcoin during a war, that would probably be the best time to purchase it at the lowest price, but considering the unknowns it would also be the riskiest time to buy, thus supporting the theory of a low btc wartime price.

There are so many uncertainties surrounding war. I.e. type, length, reason, markets really don’t like uncertainty, especially infantile markets like crypto, so if I had to guess I think we would go into a crypto nuclear bear winter, and the price would go back to Zero again. Putin's for mining, so maybe this is what he's planning, to destroy the price of BTC while holding the network up by a thread so he can hoard up all the scared coins for his post apocalyptic grandkids to hodl? A nuclear winter would take at least 30 years, I doubt even Putin would see the light of day after his Armageddon.

But... But I thought BTC would go to the moon wen WWIII?

If you look up "Price of BTC during a war you will get an answer like: A World War would cause people to lose trust in Dollars, Yen, and other Fiat, causing them to convert everything to Bitcoin. I personally don't agree with this widespread opinion because I think fungibility would trump fear in a full blown war since paper money is the most liquid! For instance, in my area last year we had a storm, the power grid went down, along with the internet for days. There was no way i could even spend my crypto if I tried, the roads were down from floods, we were all stuck with what we had until people cleared the roads and fixed the grid. A war would be worse than an isolated storm, it would be ongoing, so I couldn’t even imagine how slippery a slope it could be, especially for something like bitcoin. lol

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When an emergency happens, trying to use the internet is like being soiled in quick sand, time slows down, you become frantic, frustrated, & stuck trying to do the simplest of things. So having money stored on the internet is the last place you want to have it when you really need it. The problem with crypto is all the degrees of separation it has from your physical wallet. There are the coin networks, internet networks, the exchanges, the fiat off ramps, the Banks, and the list goes on and on. Good luck cashing in your crypto when everyone else is trying to do the same thing.

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If the world went into a Persistent Nuclear Crypto Winter, people would be incentivized to survive over hodl, in fear of their lives. Instead of wanting a lambo, they would be happy with bread and water. Some people may even go as far as turning against technology, a time when money flipped back to the Flintstones era!

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Finally, governments would be the final deterrent to Bitcoin in times of war. During uncertain times, the government may only allow the use of sovereign currency, in the name of National Security, rendering Bitcoin temporarily useless. To be honest I don’t even know if HIVE would survive a massive war, surely governments would not want groups of people to be able to communicate easily on the blockchain, so lots of frontends and ips would probably get blocked making HIVE a lot harder if not impossible to use. Supposedly HIVE is already banned in Russia, so if Russia takes over the whole world, so goes the HIVE!

Screenshot 2022-02-14 at 4.19.38 PM.png This is a 1950 Billboard, not much has changed in the world in 70 years, it still pertains today!

If you’re worried now, don't be.

This post is just a what if FUD piece full of hypothetical scenarios - mainly to get noobs to think and debate while I practice my brainstorming techniques with some really awful scenarios. Posting Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) serves mainly to get the worst ideas out there so that hopefully somebody fixes them before anything really bad happens. I honestly think this whole Russia Putin thing will be a nothing-burger, but it's always good to be prepared just in case. So if you're still really worried, then it's probably time to take action & spend some crypto on suitcases of money, guns, grenades, food, water, pig traps, and of course a hefty bomb shelter if you can. Physical goods are what will get you through the chaos, they will be the real currency in demand when there is war. Digital goods, nfts, crypto coins, meme coins, bitcoins are all great when everything's going well, but when the going gets tough these items might not get going to the moon!

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Here Piggy Piggy Piggy!

Follow @coininstant for more!


If at the present time Hive Russia. But hopefully the bonds of hive community will never be broken and your fantasies will never come true.


Yeah even if the unthinkable happened, hive would be able to just re-launch the chain after tings settled down. I remember HIVE was down for like 24 hours or something after that hard fork a long time ago, so there is nothing to worry about for HIVE, I think you're right!!


thank you very much for the exchange, have a nice day and great trading


Very interesting post! I did think about this matter too. War will come in less than five years. Money would become useless! Medicine, food and guns!
Let’s hope natural disaster would unexpectedly change their plans for world war!


thank you very much for sharing information, have a good day and a great mood


I dont want the war that will destroy innocent people. Bitcoin price may grow for the reason but they should stop the war


Yeah war is stupid, why can't we all just get along? We only have one world and we're all stuck together on it, we have no room for wars left anymore! Thanks for the comment.
