I Am Now Officially On Emanate



So I am now officially on the Emanate ecosystem all thanks to @chrisaiki and @djlethalskillz for successfully persuading me to register on the platform. Emanate music platform provides music artists with an environment to be able to get their work monetized. Emanate is built on the EOSIO blockchain and has it's native tokens called EMT tokens. This platform has been able to encourage mass adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency through music. Musicians are being rewarded with cryptocurrency depending on the number of plays gotten on their work.

Here is the first track I got uploaded on the platform https://emanate.live/citimillz/evil-beauty

The ecosystem also has a service called Emanate Distro, this option gives music creators and collaborators access to optionally share their audio and data to various online music services and have the revenue return to the emanate ecosystem which is then shared among musicians and token holders.

I will say the platform is giving the music industry a whole new approach of being able to earn income for effort being put in on their work. Also, Emanate users who wish to withdraw their earnings must have to be staking 5k EMT tokens and above to use that function. Don't fail to listen to my song guys. Have a good one and I will be sharing more of my works on here to keep y'all entertained.

Read more about the project here:) https://medium.com/emanate-live/


i have 1000 EMT hah now i have to subacribe to your music somehoq. How does that wprk now? They trying to get purchased by spotofy now that they have their supscription service? Hahaha i imagine a joe rogan spotofy style podcast service where you buy songs like nfts with crypto


Nope. I just earn when you listen to my song. But before I can withdraw as a musician who uploaded his content, I will need to have 5k EMT tokens staked. There is also a service called EMANATE DISTRO, a distribution service that gives me access to pushing optionally push audio and data to over 20 online music services including Apple,Spotify, Amazon, Tencent,Youtube, Facebook etc.
