Nigerian Police Arrests Crypto Traders, Calling Them Fraudsters ( Video proofs below)


It has been brought to every youths notice that the streets of Nigeria are no longer safe, isolation will likely see its greatest push as life's become threatened by the sudden armed forces activities. I've been one of those bloggers getting the words out there on the government's dying trails to stop crypto from booming in the country. Their first attempt was prohibiting commercial banks from offering cryptocurrency services, further imposing that they freeze any account found interacting with cryptocurrency exchanges. This news was first published as a crypto ban in the country and not just commercial banks prohibition. However, it was further noted by CBN that the ban wasn't on cryptocurrency, but on banks, it was stressed that it wasn't a restriction placed on the citizens but the centralized banks operating in the country.


It was an ease to know about this. In the government's point of view, creating a restriction on banks processing transactions with cryptocurrency exchange would bring its adoption to a halt. Well, that didn't work as planned. It was noticed by the government that whilst the country suffered economic crisis, the growing youths turned to crypto trading for financial support. Crypto has been a hedge for a large number of youths in the country. There are barely enough opportunities to meet the growing population, so unemployment has been growing rapidly in the nation. Trading Crypto became the most lucrative online hustle that got the youths engaged.

The numbers on crypto adoption kept going up, the government kept seeing the push and it's definitely been a worry on the financial power they were losing. Two things became the norm in the country, that is frauding and crypto trading. This two are quite separate sectors, the numbers of fraudsters in the country saw a huge spike last year, this in turn caused inflation in the country, because these criminally established guys were always with the expensive taste, their standard of living were perceived by business sectors and as a result, goods and services have been seeing costs increases. These all showed great impact on low living Nigerians. However, this fraudulent activity has rather been subdued, as a result of cryptocurrencies. The growing population chose to build their finances in a non-criminal way which is trading digital assets. 3 out of every 5 persons were invested in crypto, frauding was no more a strong force, the country saw more money flowing into the crypto industry by retail traders, P2P trading earned traction in the nation and almost every citizen was ready to turn their savings into cryptocurrency for possible yields.

But then, the Nigerian government has deemed crypto traders equal to fraudsters. I've mentioned before how armed forces now stop youths on the streets and invade their phones, scanning through every shit in it. The news on the air has been that every phone found with anything related to cryptocurrency will have its owner arrested. This is the sick shit now happening in the country. Innocent hustling youths are termed fraudsters, arrested and robbed huge amounts of money. The worst case scenario is if you're a wealthy crypto investor, you'd literally get drained out on every penny. The videos below were recorded yesterday as they invaded a rental apartment and arrested so many youths. Armed forces now become like thieves, climbing down fences and carrying out illegal arrests. The Nation is no longer safe, and if this continues, the country will see a huge number of migration, which however, I know they'd try to restrict.

videos were privately uploaded on YouTube by me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.


@gangstalking the abusive account updated....

Thank you!!! The community can and will overcome.

Look into proofofbrain community! They are working on blocking him at the tribal.level.

An amazing community that you can be apart of as well.

Then the common people muting him.

And if people are getting hit with flags that really are wrecking them? Please let me know. I know friends with @tenkminnows which is awesome.

Weedcash? They are also taking action. Another block or mute at the tribal level limiting this abuse.

And thank you hivewatchers. You are so amazing for defending the platform and housing appeals and helping educate people that have done small little problems. They have been front lines with this fight. They have this issue identified and have removed and my chance at this account getting rewards.

And to the mental health tag and movement... This is a person in need of help and support. If there's empathetic people here and listening to this? Please go talk with this person and see what you can do.

No hard feelings. But this situation and abuse... It's gotten too old and the entire community is fighting back.

I totally apologize. If you flag this message I understand I will accept it and your opinion advice and words.

If you positively vote me... Thank you for offsetting any flags I might catch over this. I appreciate the entire community.

However... This is our stake. Our community. Our platform. We can all grow.

All I ask is to mute him or if you want to flag him back and tell him how you feel. The feedback is important.

And if you are new? I'm be happy to help you set up and automate your account. As well as help you find the resources. We can all do this. is the discord room link.

Here is my room if you want.

The front lines. This is my personal room. And I am the ultimate authority there. If you want to be rude I can ban.

And next.... Hivewatchers has this as a problem and have done anything and everything to help combat abuse in this case. I'd like to personally thank them for the work we don't realize or thank them for. I've had issues and have thrown fits in the hivewatchers discord and won. And they have done some huge work we don't see. They reduced this to the point where it's mostly muted.

And even they are frustrated. The tribes are too. Big actions are coming. The troops are lining up. It's gonna be a little bit of a massacre.

And for the mental health of this person. I'm actually praying and I'm sorry for being frustrated. However... The people affected? And the community learning how to combat this issue? Thank all of you hivians each and everyone of you have me and my puppy's utmost respect.

Not begging votes. And using my resource credits to say that this community can say no. And ask for more avenues to be explored under extreme circumstances like these.

This is a great learning lesson and education for us all..If you need help? Please let me know. Me and friends are totally willing to offset the weak pitiful votes.ill do everything I can to help little accounts get exposure especially original content. And some amazing people on here have done some great things.

Thank hive! And thank you! I completely apologize for this spam.



The only thing we can do is to keep pushing. Our biggest advantage will come with numbers. We need to turn 200 million users into 1 billion in the next couple years.

Personally, I love see the push into blockchain gaming. That is really doing wonders for the numbers I believe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


True, with majority invested, there'd be no way for the government to go around it.

And yes, blockchain games have been a big contribution to cryptocurrency and blockchain adoption no doubts. Hopefully, it keeps earning traction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


it is very sad to see how some gov is treating their innocent civilians like criminals I hope to go over and above billions in a few years or month would be even better


sad to hear you might consider migration it would be better than getting arrested and losing all your money to gov that act like thieves


Nigeria street are not safe.The so called them self Yahoo hunters now go after Crypto traders to hunt.they will jump fence like criminal to arrest you and you a fraudster.
The government have told the bank to close any account own by Crypto traders.
Nigeria government don't want youth to survive,but we will survive.
Thanks for the information

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