I'm tired of LUNA news



I know it was a historic event, and it's going to have a lot of implications across all crypto communities, but I'm getting fed up with this LUNA crash story. LUNA this, LUNA that, isn't there any more interesting news than people digging through what's left of the community to attract a little more curious people and people who believe that all cryptocurrencies are a scam?

It seems a little like they are even trying to take advantage of the last gasps of the network to be kicking everything that has to do with cryptocurrencies. I don't take away the reason of those who invested in the token and broke their face, but I've even seen news now talking about Do Kwon changing his address, clothes and even hairstyle. If you're going to say anything about this catastrophe, at least bring useful information, and don't just try to bring recycled carrion


And yes, this is more of me venting my frustration than a descriptive meme text, but I really needed to say this to someone, because honestly, the last three days have only been news about LUNA in front of me, it's just that most of it was irrelevant information, about "research among ex-LUNA investors", which doesn't add anything to me and wastes my time. The network is dying, ok, patience, let's go to the next one

And don't take this outburst too seriously, it's accompanied by memes, and it's meant to be something far from "professional". If you want to discuss it, feel free, but don't be offended, it's just an opinion

Posted using MemeHive


Realmente. Esse tipo de post tá um saco. Cheguei já a pensar em mandar downvotes de 0,01% como forma de mostrar descontentamento mas sem afetar as recompensas. Só que fiquei com receio de estar provocando brigas desnecessárias com os autores.

Tá aí uma ideia interessante para o PeakD, Ecency, etc: criar um botão "não gostei" que faça justamente isso: uma flag simbólica de baixo valor.

Vote em mim para Testemunha da Hive


Seria até legal, pensando nisso. Tomara que uma hora façam isso ou algo parecido. Pena que provavelmente vai ter gente que não vai entender de primeira e em um primeiro momento vai dar um monte de briga...

