Splinterlands: My current status and my plan


Hello Community

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images are from the splinterlands game @splinterlands

I managed to get into the Champion League in the previous season which was great given that I have been absent for a couple of months. However, I only made it to Champion III, so this time I want to see if I can get into Champion II at least.

At the moment, I am in Diamond III, had some tough battles, which is expected and there may be other users who are also climbing at the moment. However, I will continue doing my daily quests and see how it goes.


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This is something I discovered how to use recently... Renting!

lol, I always knew about renting, but I never really tried it and it is probably my biggest mistake lol. Now I have began to start renting basically today, and was surprise to rent out cards for quite a bit of DEC.

For a legendary summoner, I was able to rent it out for over 200 DEC per day. That is quite interesting.

I will continue with it as I think it is a good stream of passive DEC. In addition, my collection power is still above 500k so it seems fine to rent out some cards.


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On the topic of SPS, I have been stacking it since day 1, and wen staking was opened, I staked all me SPS into it, and I continue to claim and compound the SPS. I set a goal of 100k SPS for myself at the moment to reach in the interim. lets see wen I can reach that, and then I can challenge maybe 1 mil SPS lol...

Anyways thats it for now...


If you want to give the game a try, here is my referral link.

Always do your own research before you put money into a game


Hope that you enjoyed go through the post.
Would appreciate it if you like, comment and follow

Have an Awesome day
