dCrops - Winner announced for the giveaway of the Epic Land Card in game... only 2 people participated lol


Hello Community

Who is the winner?


There were only 2 users who met the requirements of the giveaway.

  • cornavirus
  • birdbeaksd

Disclaimer: Always do your own research before you put anything into the game. This is a risky market so make sure you are aware of the risks.

What was the Giveaway:

If you have done your research and are comfortable with the risk, here is the referral link:


If this is your first time playing the game and you used my referral link (and log in for the first time to the site), please comment your username below in the comment section below. I will check that you are listed as a referred user and send you 1 common land card.


If you used my referral link, and also purchased at least one alpha pack I will then put your name in a draw with the chance of winning 1 epic land plot. I will be able to check it on the site and confirm.


Note: The promotion above will only last until 10 September 2021. The giveaway event will only happen for the first 50 users who use my referral link. The draw for the epic land will also occur on the 10th of September.

This giveaway event is no over...thanks for those who participated.

So in the end only 2 users met the requirements as they bought at least 1 dcrop pack.

Now lets turn the wheel and see who wins the Epic land pack.



Congratulations @birdbeaksd, an epic land card has been sent to you. Hope that it is somewhat useful.

If you have done your research and are comfortable with the risk and would like to try out the game, here is the referral link:


Hope that you enjoyed going through the post.
Would appreciate it if you like, comment and follow

Have an Awesome day


Crap, i did not know nothing about this GA i would had enter for sure xD
