RE: Should you always tell the truth?


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Interesting thoughts, so many different things...and sometimes contradictory...

To keep silent and hide the truth from a person because it might hurt them? Or because you will be treated unfriendly?
But if you don't tell him the truth now, his pain will be worse tomorrow. So will your regret that you kept silent or lied.
But the truth, the 100% truth, will set him free. Freedom is always achieved through pain. Remember Jesus. He was not silent, but always spoke the truth, which hurt many, and created hostility toward Him. But He knew that no half-truth or half-lie would ever save anyone.

That's why there are so many problems in our society, so we try to be silent when we see someone else's problems, being tolerant and respecting their freedom of choice. And we don't call things by their proper names.
Like, for example, those same alcoholics and drug addicts. Where does the whole process of recovery from addiction begin? With admitting 100% of the truth - "I am an alcoholic" or "I am an addict. And with a public confession, so that neither you nor others have any way of hiding the truth.

Clearly, there are different moments in life; this is just one aspect of the great and multifaceted subject of truth.

Thank you for your reflections, I love how you capture subtle matters from various sources and turn them into such interesting and profound topics, and I'm glad that you(and @iskafan) and I are bees of the same hive))

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But the truth, the 100% truth, will set him free.

That's right, I forgot this part of the scripture, now, this is why they say two heads are better than one, thanks for bringing it up

I agree the truth sets us free, and in your opinion, it's better we learn the truth today, and get hurt today, thereby, healing tomorrow, than to hear it tomorrow (probably after being lied to)

And with a public confession, so that neither you nor others have any way of hiding the truth.

"Confess that Jesus is Lord".... You just brought me back to the scriptures again.... With confession, we will be accountable for all our future actions. So anyone who is an addict will be saved from his addiction if he takes the first step ..... Confession.

Thank you for your reflections, I love how you capture subtle matters from various sources and turn them into such interesting and profound topics,

Thank you very much, sir. But I'll thanks @iskafan more, she inspired it

I'm glad that you(and @iskafan) and I are bees of the same hive))

Sincerely, I feel the same way.... Thank you 😊

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