More unfortunate events


Writing this while being frankly pretty lazy at work, oh well I'm not going to be an employee here as of about 24 hours, so screw it.

I am anxious about the new job, but I need the money and look forward to the paychecks. Direct deposit too unlike this job I mean SHEESH.

I technically don't own non-slip shoes I am using boots right now and the new gig said I need the non-slips ugh. I don't know man this is annoying.

I of course had another unfortunate event take place in regards to my bike tire going flat AGAIN. Horrible. I might be able to make it home on it but man this is annoying.

I'll have to walk or use the bus or Uber until I figure my bike situation out.

I don't mind using Uber once I can get through this month. I will be making better money to afford Uber easily. I live in the middle of a city so finding rides should be insanely easier.

Man this is annoying.

Last time I used the bus it was free, I don't believe it always is free I know during Covid bullshit it was free at times. I don't know.

Hopefully God willing I can make it home on my annoying tire.

The grind and the challenges never stop I swear.

Oh yeah and Crypto keeps free falling downward. Shit.
