30 Days Blogging Challenge - Your proudest moment | Day #5 @pablo1601 - Desafío de Blog 30 días -Momento de mayor orgullo | Dia #5 @pablo1601


The Diary Game 5.jpg

Feeling proud of our personal and work achievements and other aspects of life are always incentives that motivate us to move forward and try to be a little better every day in each of the roles we have in our lives.

Sentirnos orgullosos por nuestros logros personales, laborales y demás aspectos de la vida son siempre alicientes que nos motivan a seguir adelante y a intentar ser cada día un poco mejores en cada uno de los roles que tenemos en nuestras vidas.

Doing what we like and especially what we feel makes us feel good, elevates our spirit and makes us continue in that cycle of good vibrations that will make everything flow more easily.

Hacer lo que nos gusta y sobre todo lo que sentimos nos hace sentirnos bien, elevan nuestro espiritu y hace que podamos seguir en ese ciclo de buenas vibraciones que hará que todo fluya más sencillo.

Many times in life we make personal achievements that are very important to us that make us feel very proud of ourselves. Sometimes those achievements may not be recognized by others, but this will not make those true triumphs lose importance for us. We must learn to feel proud despite the recognition we get from others.

Muchas veces en la vida concretamos logros personales que son muy importantes para nosotros que nos hacen sentir muy orgullosos de nosotros mismos. Es posible que en ocasiones esos logros no sea reconocidos por el resto, pero ello no hará que esos verdaderos triunfos pierdan importancia para nosotros. Debemos aprender a sentirnos orgullosos a pesar del reconocimiento que obtengamos del resto.

The day I was most proud of myself was almost 20 years ago when I was able to lift a lien on my parents' house that they were about to lose. I remember that at that time I was already living alone and in one week I was able to get an extension on the terms with the game I had in my hands for the auction of my parents' house, which allowed me to get some of the money I needed to be able to show willingness to pay so that I could reduce my mortgage debt. My parents and I arranged several loans to pay off much of the debt, and they were finally able to keep their home.

El día que sentí mayor orgullo de mí fue hace casi 20 años cuando pude levantar un embargo que tenía la casa de mis padres y que estaban a punto de perder. Recuerdo que en ese momento ya vivía solo y en una semana pude conseguir una extensión de los plazos con la juega que tenía en sus manos el remate de la casa de mis padres, lo cual me permitió conseguir parte del dinero necesario para poder demostrar voluntad de pago para que lograse reducir la deuda de la hipoteca. Mis padres y yo tramitamos diversos préstamos para poder cancelar gran parte de la deuda, y finalmente ellos pudieron conservar su casa.

That day I felt a great pride and above all I felt that I had been able to give them back some of what they had given me and taught me.

Ese día sentí un gran orgullo y sobre todo sentí que había podido devolverles algo de lo tanto que ellos me habían dado y enseñado.


Big hug to everyone!

Gran abrazo a todos!


Wow! It's good to have you write on 30 days blogging challenge No.5.
What a great proudest moment you have here? It's indeed worth calling proudest moment course it has put smile on a face, fortunately for your parents they were the one. 😁
They would have lipped in joy when you supported them in saving their lien, I can't imagine the sweet words they would have shattered on you and that only had really made it a proud moment. 😜
